ReactJS and React Native, Which to use when?

Many people get confused when they hear the words ReactJS and React Native. Their names are similar, so people think they are the same, but they are not. They are both different. In this blog, we are going to discuss what ReactJS and React Native are, their key differences, advantages, and disadvantages.
ReactJS and React Native are two powerful technologies in the app development industry. We often come across them while using our phones or laptop without even realizing it. This blog will discuss everything related to ReactJS vs React Native. Let’s start our blog with an introduction.


React and React Native are both open-sourced by META (Facebook). They are both ruling the industry and are used for mobile and web applications.

What is ReactJS?

It is a JavaScript library that supports both server-side and client-side rendering of web apps. It gives a boost to the SEO of the app and webpage, and it attracts more organic traffic. It is also responsible for rendering UI components. It was developed by Meta in 2013.

What is React Native?

It is the youngest sibling of React. It is a framework for building mobile applications using ReactJS. It was developed by META in 2015.

These are the simplest definitions of React and React Native. To make this topic clearer for the readers, we will discuss their differences next.


ReactJS is the base derivative of React DOM for the web, while React Native is a base derivative of itself. It means that the syntax and workflow remain the same, but the components change.


ReactJS is an open-source library that allows a programmer to create a high-performing UI layer, whereas React Native is a framework. It is used to build apps for the web, iOS, and Android. For both ReactJS and React Native you need to have some knowledge of JavaScript.

View Tags

ReactJS uses HTML tags, while React Native does not use any HTML tags; almost all HTML tags have equivalent components in React Native


In ReactJS, virtual DOM is used to render browser code, while in React Native, native rendering APIs render the component on mobile.


For styling, ReactJS uses CSS while React Native uses a styling sheet.


For animation, ReactJS uses CSS, and in contrast, React Native uses an animated API.

These are the differences between ReactJS and React Native. Now we are going to discuss their advantages.


Advantages of ReactJS


ReactJS can achieve blazing-fast speed using the domestic object model, as speed is an important factor in making a successful web app.

SEO Friendly

It is capable of server-side rendering, which gives a powerful boost to the SEO of a webpage.

Large Ecosystem

ReactJS has a large community of developers who have created a big ecosystem of tools

These major advantages of ReactJS make it unique.

Advantages of React Native

Platform-specific Code

React Native can generate code for the right platform. This way, it creates the right code for the right platform.

Simple Learning Curve

Most of the code used in React Native is JavaScript. It is simple for anybody who knows about JavaScript. This easy usability and learning curve enables non-programmers to create apps.

Hot Reloading

It supports the hot reloading feature. It makes process development fast and saves time.
These advantages of React Native make it unique.


Some of the popular apps that use React JS are Netflix, Twitter, BBC, Uber, and Asana, while React Native is used by Pinterest, Shopify, and Discord.


The main question raised by users is which one is better to use if both technologies are good. This question is mostly raised by people who are not familiar with these. They both have their own importance. There is no better or worse in comparison. If the developer is working on the user interface, they will go for ReactJS, whereas, if someone is building an application for iOS and Android, they will use React Native.


From this article, we will conclude that there is no comparison between ReactJS and React Native. They are different, and they both perform unique functions. However, this article will help you understand all the aspects related to both: what they are, what their advantages are, and how they are used. They both have numerous valuable features. React Native is best for making your applications look native, and ReactJS forms the core of React Native, which includes all of React’s basic features

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